I have been reading so much tech news lately it is getting crazy. I read about the PS3 and how Sony invades privacy. I read how Sony is trying to sue Geohot just for jailbreaking his PS3. According to the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act) I think it stated something about being able to jailbreak […]
Windows Phone 7 Update: Bricks Phone
After reading my daily news I have found something really interesting to write about. Finally, I do not know how long I waited for something like this to happen. It is official that Microsoft released an update to there phone and many users have been reporting that it bricks the device. Microsoft continuously tries to […]
A Cheap Powerful Mac Server
It has been awhile since I have blogged. I have just been busy with college and work. But I am doing well. I was recently searching for a server. Preferably a Mac Server for my home network. I have been searching for quite sometime now and the Apple XServe was pretty expensive. After time I […]
Steve Job’s Greatest Invention
Today I am going to talk about my favorite invention made by Steve Job’s and that is his famous headset. Now this isn’t no ordinary headset. This headset can perform multiple tasks. Lets get started on talking about the design. It is white and is designed with a sweet plug that doesn’t clip on to […]
Modding Your PS3?
First off I am quite impressed that they finally have a “legit” mod for the PS3. I read awhile back that they were eventually going to have a mod for the PS3 to allow the possibility to play PS3 Game backups. Well now it has arrived. A little bit about my interests in modding. I […]