About Me



About Coder MJB Blog

Hello! I am Michael J Brancato. I created this blog to share my experiences and passions in life. I love connecting with others who share my passions and it is a great way to share experiences. The way I see everything is the more minds, the more information and experiences that can be shared. Through this, we can learn, enjoy, and advance quickly in what we love to do.


About Myself

I am a Multi-Hobbyist and I love to do many things. I have been Vegan since May 2014. My hobbies are running, yoga, bicycling, reading, programming, cooking, tea aficionado, and working on Linux/GNU. There are many things I want to accomplish in life and they are never ending.

I want to be a triathlete and to be able to compete for a lot of races. I have ran several half marathons and a few marathons as well as riding over hundred miles on a bike in one trip. I love to go on strenuous hikes, bike rides, and long runs. Anything that is an extreme challenge is what I enjoy to do and only because it is a challenge. Without making it a challenge, it gets quite boring and I loose complete interest in it. After been being in the Marine Corps, I have been trained to push myself beyond boundaries that I didn’t even know existed. It is the core to what gives me the driven force when I compete.

I have a very strong passion for programming. I have worked so hard over the past several years to get to where I am. If it wasn’t for my co-workers and for the people who push me and teach me, I wouldn’t be able to do the work I do now. And because of the success, is what makes it really a passion to me. To be able to build software and website portals that make a difference, is truly what is inspirational. Then to look back on the work I have been able to do is truly impressive. Never in my life have I ever thought I would be where I am at now, especially too, when it comes to programming. See some of the work I do here: MJB Code

There are many reasons why I have gone vegan. I have a vegan blog on it to go in details: Veg MJB. Looking back since the beginning of my vegan journey and how I understand veganism today; I wonder why I didn’t go vegan a long time ago. It changes my whole entire perspective on life for the good. Becoming a vegan is more than just a change in diet. It is an entire lifestyle change and it changes your perspective on a lot of things. In doing so, I have gained an incredible amount going vegan, nothing lost only gained.

When I first tried Yoga it was a different thing for me. After trying it once, I had noticed an incredible reduction in my stress levels. After a few sessions, I noticed that I am more flexible, I have more control over myself, and I have much more balance. This complimented my running really well since it allowed me to have more control over myself and I was flexible. Yoga makes running easier. Yoga also helps my mind connect more to my body. I am more aware of myself and who I am. Having Yoga in my life is truly a treasure and I really enjoy it a lot.


Favourite Movie Quote

Excuse me. Are we on a coffee break?
We don’t drink coffee.
Then I guess the break is over!
Back to work. Thanks.
-The Santa Clause Movie


Top 3 Movies

  • The Breakfast Club
  • The Boondock Saints
  • V for Vendetta


Favourite Music

  • Trance/Progressive
  • Smooth Jazz
  • Christian Rock